We have been actively monitoring the current situation with coronavirus/COVID-19 and have decided to make the heartbreaking decision to post-pone the start of our Chicks and Bunnies appointments. The studio itself will be closed until New York State releases the closure of all non-essential business.  Social distancing has been a proven method as a way to slow pandemics and we feel responsible to continue that trend. Stay home, keep 6 feet away from other people, go out only when necessary, etc.

Having been through the terrible Flu A with Amelia (Kim’s daughter) and witnessing the impact that social distancing made with helping her heal, we think it is important to do our part to encourage this as well. Kim and her family have headed out of the city as a way to protect themselves and Amelia’s fragile immune system. Harmonie is working from home. The bunnies are still spending time in the fresh air of the farm in Pennsylvania. We are all still healthy here and would like to remain that way.

We are now post-poning the start our Chicks & Bunnies Sessions until the reach of this virus begins to subside. We are terribly disappointed to delay these sessions especially as we know many of you use these as Easter photos. We also rely on these sessions as a major part of our business for the year. We hope to still see as many of you as possible when we are able to reopen. We think the bunnies and chicks sessions are cute no matter the time of year.

We are exploring options to possibly start shooting outdoors (something many of you have been requesting) and maybe including the chicks and bunnies.

In the following weeks, we will still be available via phone and text (212-600-4457) and email (info@bigappleportraits.com). We will help reschedule once we are open. We will also be running several sales in the next couple weeks.

We hope that this situation has minimal impact to you and your family and hope that all of you stay well.

Best Regards, Kim & Harmonie