
From these past few days, I’m pretty sure everyone has received an onslaught of marketing posts about Mother’s Day. Mom will love this—no, she’ll looove this!

And while I’m certainly guilty that this is another Mother’s Day post, I wanted to write this to give all you dads a little insight to a mother’s mind—we love sentimental gifts.

Yes, we love if you give us jewelry, take us out to brunch, or if you grab the kids and take them to the park for a peaceful morning. But you know what really pulls at the heartstrings?

I’m a sucker for anything handmade. Bring me breakfast in bed and I’ll smile. Present me with a hand-drawn card made by my children with a little red rose from dad and I’ll get just a bit teary-eyed.

The other option? Having a photo of dad with the kids. I take so many photos of my girls but sadly, I have only a handful of the girls with their dad. I know if I was presented with a photo of Asher and Amelia with Pete, I’d just sit there and stare and be incredibly touched.

If you want something simple but also heartfelt for your wife, come on over to our studio and bring the kids for a quick session. We’ll get these to you as quick as we can and you can present the photo bright and early Sunday morning.
